Access Keys:


Shared Expectations

City of Armagh High School Shared Expectations 


We respect and care for ourselves, others and the school environment 

  • We will be kind to others and include them
  • We will be well mannered in our interactions with all members of the school community 
  • We will listen to others when they are speaking without interruption
  • We will look after school equipment and property, and have respect for the belongings of others
  • We will do our part to keep the school environment tidy and clean


We attend school on time, prepared and ready to learn 

  • We will attend registration promptly for 8.45amand remain in school until 3.15pm
  • We will be on time for every lesson 
  • We will bring the correct equipment for every lesson 
  • We will attempt all activities/tasks given to the best of our ability
  • We will complete all homework tasks/controlled assessments on time


We listen and take turns to speak  

  • We will listen attentively to all staff so that we know what to do
  • We will listen to others when they are speaking 
  • We will speak respectfully
  • We will make positive contributions to learning 


We move quietly and carefully around the school  

  • We will walk in single file on the right hand side of the corridors and stairs 
  • We will line up quietly outside a classroom before class begins
  • We will remain only in designated areas during break and lunch times
  • We will only drink water or still fruit juice in school
  • We will carry our signed diary if we have permission to leave the classroom


We will ensure our appearance is appropriate for school  

  • We will wear full regulation school uniform appropriately
  • We will wear our school blazers to and from school and also on school trips
  • We will project a positive image of City of Armagh High School


No list of expectations can cover every contingency. Specific expectations are published or otherwise communicated from time to time. 


For more detailed guidance on the areas above please view the following policies: Anti-bullying policy, Attendance policy, Child protection policy, E-Safety Policy, Homework policy, Special Educational needs policy and Positive behaviour policy (which contains information on uniform and personal devices/mobile phones).