12th March 2025
Dear Parent/Carer
Year 8 parents meeting – Wednesday 19th March 2025 Online Appointment Booking
I would like to invite you to attend our Year 8 Parents’ meeting on Wednesday 19th March 2025 9.15am – 10.45am. This is a very important meeting and provides you with an opportunity to discuss, with your child’s subject teachers, how they are progressing in their subjects.
Similar to our year 8 appointments at the start of the year we will be continuing with our online parents’ meetings. This allows you to choose your own video appointment time with your child’s subject teacher and you will receive an email confirming your appointment. If there are any technical difficulties on the day we will contact you by phone at a later date/time.
Appointments can be made from today.
Please visit https://cityofarmaghhighschool.schoolcloud.co.uk/ to book your appointments.
If an interpreter is required, a separate sheet will be given to your child for them to return.
A short guide on how to add appointments is included with this letter. At the bottom of the guide you will also find a link to a Parent Guide for Video Appointments.
Login with the following information:
Student’s First Name
Student’s Surname
Registration Class: 8E or 8O
If you do not have access to the internet, please leave your details with the school office.
If a teacher takes your child for more than one subject, please only book 1 appointment with that teacher and they will cover both subjects in the one appointment (duplicate bookings will be removed).
Kind regards
K Mulholland
Parents’ Guide for Booking Appointments
Browse to https://cityofarmaghhighschool.schoolcloud.co.uk/
Step 1: LoginFill out the details on the page then click the Log In button. A confirmation of your appointments will be sent to the email address you provide. |
Step 2: Select Parents' EveningClick on the date you wish to book. Unable to make all of the dates listed? Click I'm unable to attend. |
Step 3: Select Booking ModeChoose Automatic if you'd like the system to suggest the shortest possible appointment schedule based on the times you're available to attend. To pick the times to book with each teacher, choose Manual. Then press Next. We recommend choosing the automatic booking mode when browsing on a mobile device. |
Step 4: Select AvailabilityDrag the sliders at the top of the screen to indicate the earliest and latest you can attend. |
Step 5: Choose TeachersSelect the teachers you’d like to book appointments with. A green tick indicates they’re selected. To de-select, click on their name. |
Step 6: Book Appointments (Automatic)If you chose the automatic booking mode, you'll see provisional appointments which are held for 2 minutes. To keep them, choose Accept at the bottom left. If it wasn’t possible to book every selected teacher during the times you are able to attend, you can either adjust the teachers you wish to meet with and try again, or switch to manual booking mode. |
Step 7: Book AppointmentsClick any of the green cells to make an appointment. Blue cells signify where you already have an appointment. Grey cells are unavailable. To change an appointment, delete the original by hovering over the blue box and clicking Delete. Then choose an alternate time. You can optionally leave a message for the teacher to say what you’d like to discuss, or raise anything beforehand. Once you’re finished booking all appointments, at the top of the page in the alert box, press click here to finish the booking process. |
Step 8: FinishedAll your bookings now appear on the My Bookings page. An email confirmation has been sent and you can also print appointments by pressing Print. Click Subscribe to Calendar to add these and any future bookings to your calendar. To change your appointments, click on Amend Bookings. |
Please find below a link to a video for parents that explains how to attend appointments over video call: