Controlled Assessment Policy 2024-2025


Revised: June 2024


Controlled assessment is a form of internal assessment that is normally marked by the centre and subsequently moderated by the Awarding Body, usually CCEA.


Controlled Assessment is an extremely important element of many GCSE courses and makes up a significant part of the final GCSE grade.


The control levels (High, Medium or Low) are set by the Awarding Body for each stage of the assessment process.


The time allocated to controlled assessment tasks is set by the Awarding Body and will vary between subjects. Specific details for each task will be issued by the Subject Teacher at the beginning of the assessment.



· All controlled assessments will comply with JCQ guidelines contained in the document ‘Instructions for Conducting Controlled Assessments’ of which every Subject Teacher has a copy.

· All controlled assessments will also adhere to awarding bodies’ subject-specific guidelines.

· Every student will be given a copy of the relevant JCQ ‘Notice to Candidates’ before undertaking his/her first controlled assessment. This notice is also in the Guidance booklet for Years 11& 12 Pupils and Parents taking External Examinations.

· As far as is possible the Head of Centre will ensure that controlled assessments are spread throughout the duration of KS4 in the interests of students’ workload and resource management, especially with regard to the use of ICT facilities.

· The school will ensure that access arrangements and special consideration guidelines are adhered to in relation to controlled assessments as they are with regard to formal written examinations.




The Principal will:


· Ensure that each department carries out controlled assessment in accordance with the instructions issued by the Joint Council for Qualifications (JCQ).

· Co-ordinate with Subject Leaders the schedule for controlled assessment to take place throughout the year.

· Ensure, with Subject Leaders, that parents / pupils are aware of key dates in the controlled assessment programme and that the parents / pupils are aware of the requirements for controlled assessment including the JCQ “Information for Candidates document”.

· Ensure that parents / candidates are aware of the internal appeals process.

· Report to the Awarding Body all instance of suspected or actual malpractice.



Subject Leaders will:


· Decide on the specification to be followed, in consultation with other teachers in the department and the Principal.

· Manage the controlled assessment programme in their department in accordance with JCQ, Awarding Body and subject - specific requirements and guidance;

· Ensure that all teachers in their department are aware of the JCQ document “Instructions for conducting controlled assessments” and that they understand their roles and responsibilities in accordance with the relevant documents and guidance;

· Ensure that all teachers fully understand the significance of the different levels of control applied to individual sections of the Controlled Assessment task (CAT);

· Ensure that all confidential materials, together with candidates’ work, are stored securely at all times. Secure storage is defined as a secure locked steel cabinet or similar;

· Liaise with the SENCO concerning any assistance required for the administration and management of access arrangements and / or extra time requirements;

· Ensure that a log is kept which contains the date and time of each assessment, the names of teachers involved, a list of candidates present, a list of absent candidates, and a log of any incidents that took place during the controlled assessment;

· Ensure that the marking of candidates’ work is standardised across the department as required and ensure that documentary evidence is retained from all standardisation exercises;

· Post completion retain candidates’ work securely in a locked store or cupboard (for hard copies) or on a secure area of the school network which is subject to regular back-up for electronic copies until after the closing date for enquiries about results. If such an enquiry is submitted, retain candidates’ work securely until the outcome of that enquiry and any subsequent appeal has been conveyed to the centre.


Subject Teachers will:

· Understand and comply with the general guidelines contained in the JCQ publication “Instructions for conducting controlled assessments”.

· Be familiar with and comply with the Awarding Body’s subject specific requirements for conducting controlled assessments.

· At the start of each assessment session remind pupils of the requirement to have mobile phones etc. turned off and ensure that pupils are aware of the level of control required for that particular session.

· Ensure that all material, including pupils’ work, is securely stored.

· Ensure that they and their students sign authentication forms on completion of an assessment and that the same are securely stored.

· Mark internally assessed components as required, using the Awarding Body mark schemes and carry out any associated administration concerning the recording of marks as required.

· Take part in any marking standardisation meetings within the department as required.



The Exams Officer will:

· Enter pupils for appropriate units as requested by the teaching staff before the entry deadline.

· Be responsible for all appropriate administrative tasks including the receipt, safe storage and distribution of confidential examination documents.

· Where necessary arrange suitable accommodation for controlled assessment.


The SENCO will:

· Ensure that access arrangements have been applied for.

· Provide Subject Leaders with a list of candidates entitled to access arrangements for Controlled Assessment.

· Work with teaching staff to facilitate access arrangements.

· Liaise with teaching staff and the Examinations Officer to ensure appropriate accommodation and facilities are available for pupils with access arrangements.


Responsibility of parents:

· Parents should ensure that their child is in school and is well prepared for the preparation and carrying out of controlled assessment tasks.


Responsibility of pupils:

· It is the pupils’ responsibility to adhere to the guidance provided by the subject teacher on Controlled Assessment.





If a candidate is ill and misses any element of the Controlled Assessment, the Subject Teacher will arrange at least ONE catch-up session after school, or at another agreed time, within the deadlines set by the controlled assessment regulations at which attendance will be compulsory.


Unauthorised absence

It is the responsibility of the candidate and/or the candidate’s parents/guardians to inform their teacher if they know that they will be absent for any part of the Controlled Assessment process Any alternative arrangements that are made to accommodate individual candidates in these circumstance will be at the discretion of the Subject Teacher.


Every effort will be made to allocate the same amount of time to such candidates as was afforded to those who were in class but, due to time constraints and teachers other duties and commitments, this may not always be possible; candidates who were absent without authorisation will be expected to work within these time constraints. Candidates who do not attend specially reorganised Controlled Assessment sessions may forfeit the associated marks for their GCSE.


This policy should be read in conjunction with the Internal Assessment Appeals Policy and the JCQ Instructions for conducting controlled assessments booklet.