Fire Safety Policy Statement
Policy Title: Fire Safety Policy Statement
Target Audience: Staff / Pupils and Stakeholders
Policy Lead: Principal
Policy Developed by: Principal
City of Armagh High School
1.1 The Board of Governors recognise their statutory duty to ensure health
and safety on premises under their control. They also acknowledge their
responsibility to ensure that the Education Authority’s (EA) Fire Safety
Policy is both understood and implemented in the school, that risk
assessments are carried out to address significant risks and that they
operate within the procedures and guidelines set out in the employing
authority’s scheme of management.
1.2 The Board of Governors will ensure that the Principal and senior
leadership team develop a fire safety management system throughout
the school.
1.3 The Board of Governors will monitor the effectiveness of the school’s fire
safety arrangements via the Fire Safety Monitoring process.
2.1 This policy will provide a mechanism for the Board of Governors to
ensure that the Principal and senior leadership team develop a fire safety
management system throughout the school.
2.2 The policy will also provide a mechanism for ensuring compliance with
fire safety legislation by ensuring that school management are doing all
that is reasonably practicable to promote fire safety within the school.
3.1 In fulfilling their duties and responsibilities the Principal and Board of
Governors will adopt the EA Manual for Principals and Governors – Fire
Safety and the EA Manual for Principals and Governors - Fire Safety
Measures Log Book documents.
3.2 These policy documents should be followed by school
3.3 The policy documents in the manual provide clear information on the
issues which need to be considered by senior leadership when
developing a fire safety management system tailored to their school.
4.1 The Education Authority is responsible for ensuring that a Fire Risk
Assessment (FRA) is conducted in the school and is also responsible for
implementing any maintenance and minor improvement
recommendations that are its responsibility.
4.2 The Principal will receive a copy of the FRA and is responsible for
addressing any management recommendations or issues identified from
the FRA which come under LMS. The Board of Governors will therefore
ensure that a fire safety management system is in place within the school
and that it addresses the recommendations within the FRA.
4.3 The Principal and Senior Leadership Team will minimise the risk from
fire by ensuring that there is;
• Adequate provision of equipment
• Management of fire safety issues
• Appropriate training and instruction to staff and pupils
• Provision of a sufficient number of emergency routes and exits
• Clear signage of emergency exits
• Clear and unobstructed emergency exits.
4.4 School management will use the EA Manual to assess risk and identify
what needs to be done to manage fire safety.
4.5 School management will use the fire safety monitoring checklist
contained within the EA Manual and information obtained from
inspections to assess how well risks are being controlled.
4.6 School management will act to address issues or deficiencies identified
from fire safety monitoring and/or fire inspections.
4.7 The Board of Governors will ensure that active monitoring takes place to
ensure that;
• Problems or weaknesses can be identified
• Training needs are identified and addressed
• Deficiencies are remedied or form part of an action plan.
5.1 A fire action notice will be displayed in each occupied room and escape
5.2 Emergency routes and exits will be checked regularly to ensure they
remain unobstructed.
5.3 An assembly point will be designated for use following emergency
evacuation of the school.
5.4 The school will have an Emergency Evacuation Plan incorporating,
where necessary, any Personal Emergency Evacuation Plan (PEEP) for
those who require assistance to evacuate.
5.5 Fire drills shall be conducted once per term and the details shall be
recorded in the school Fire Logbook
5.6 The school fire alarm system shall be tested weekly. A different call point
shall be tested each week and the test shall be recorded in the school
Fire Logbook.
5.7 The school emergency lighting systems will be checked once per month
and the details shall be recorded in the school Fire Logbook.
5.8 The school shall ensure that fire doors are checked regularly and issue
instructions that they are to be maintained in the closed position.
5.9 The school shall ensure that fire extinguishers provided by the EA are
inspected monthly by a nominated member of staff and the results
recorded in the school Fire Logbook. The Board of Governors shall
ensure that an EA contract is in place for the annual servicing of fire
extinguishers. The appointment of an approved contractor for annual
servicing is the responsibility of the EA.
5.10 Staff will receive instruction in the use of fire extinguishers.
5.11 The Principal will ensure that sufficient staff are trained as Fire Wardens.
The minimum number will be determined by the same risk assessment
calculation as that used for First Aiders. Fire Wardens shall receive
specific training to perform their role.
5.12 The school management will ensure that the EA ‘Good Fire Prevention
Practice’ guidance is applied. For example;
• Keeping combustible away from ignition sources or escape routes.
• Electrical equipment will be appropriately tested
• Use of multi-point adaptors will be minimised where possible.
• Only competent persons will undertake electrical work/wiring.
• Waste will be removed on a regular basis
• Large bins will not be stored close to buildings.
5.13 Evacuation Advice Cards will be issued at the same time as any Visitor’s
Pass, in order to ensure that visitors are aware of the action to take in
event of a fire and on hearing an alarm.
5.14 The school’s Fire Safety Management System will be based on the
general fire safety requirements detailed within the EA Manual for
Principals and Governors – Fire Safety – Fire Safety Measures Logbook
6.1 The Board of Governors are responsible for ensuring that the school
has a fire safety management system.
6.2 The Principal and senior leadership team are responsible for ensuring
the development and application of the fire safety management system
and for managing and co-ordinating fire safety activities.
6.3 Senior teachers may be given delegated responsibility by the Evacuation
Controller for assisting the evacuation of the school.
6.4 In the event of a fire, any trained fire wardens are responsible for
checking that the school has been evacuated.
6.5 In the event of a fire, the Attendance Officer or nominated deputy will be
responsible for ensuring that registers are available for roll call.
7.1 All staff should receive fire safety awareness instruction every three
years which should include;
• Legal duties of employees
• Sources of ignition
• Reducing the risk from fire
• The importance of fire doors and keeping them closed
• Action on discovering a fire
• Action on hearing the evacuation alarm
• Role of a Fire Warden
• Evacuation procedure and Assembly Point
• Use of fire extinguishers
7.2 Staff nominated by the Principal to undertake Fire Warden training shall
receive additional training relating to:
• Fire detection, fire alarms, escape routes and emergency lighting
• Fire prevention and fire safety monitoring
• Fire spread and fire behaviour
• Duties of a fire warden during emergency evacuation
• Personal emergency evacuation plans (PEEP)
• Conducting fire drills and managing assembly points
• Maintaining a fire safety measures logbook.
7.3 The school will develop and issue an awareness leaflet for staff relating
to general fire safety procedures. A similar awareness leaflet, to address
the information needs of pupils, will also be developed and issued.
7.4 The Principal will ensure that sufficient senior leaders are trained to
undertake the role of Evacuation Co-ordinator.
7.5 The school will ensure that any specialist training required to support
personal emergency evacuation plan (PEEP) implementation is
provided in consultation with the EA.
3.1 A Fire Safety Monitoring Checklist will be completed by a Fire Warden
nominated by the Principal as soon as reasonably practicable after the
start of each school term.
3.2 The results of the Fire Safety monitoring process will be recorded in the
school Fire Logbook.
3.3 The attached checklist, which reflects EA guidance, will be used for the
fire safety monitoring process.
Are combustible materials (wood, paper, textiles) close to light bulbs or fittings?
Are portable heaters used?
Are there multi-point adaptors in electrical sockets?
Are plugs fitted with a correctly rated fuse?
Has portable electrical equipment been routinely inspected and deemed safe for use?
Is there any evidence of damage to portable electrical appliances e.g. frayed leads/flexes?
Is someone responsible for switching off electrical equipment and removing plugs before school is closed?
Are any gas appliances regularly checked and any faults rectified?
Are any gas appliances regularly isolated at the end of the day?
Is there any evidence of smoking?
Are bulk quantities of textiles and furniture stored within the school?
Are there displays or notice boards containing combustible materials on escape routes?
Are flammable liquids stored in fire resisting stores away from sources of ignition?
Are stores secured against unauthorised entry?
Are aerosols stored within premises close to sources of ignition?
Is ‘housekeeping’ good e.g. rubbish disposed of, bins secured away from the buildings?
Are staff aware of fire precautions and the need to advise visitors about action in event of a fire?
Is someone responsible for checking doors and windows are closed last thing at night?
Are fire exits clearly marked and kept unlocked?
Are escapes routes kept clear of obstructions and trip hazards?
Are internal fire doors labelled and kept closed?
Are ‘Push Bar to Open’ signs on fire doors with a push bar?
Are fire action notices displayed in every classroom and through all areas of the school?
Are fire extinguishers mounted, inspected, tested and do they have a guide for use beside them?
Signature: Date: