Homework Policy

Homework Policy
This policy has been produced on the information gathered from consultation with
parents, pupils and staff. It has also been based on government guidelines which
emphasise the importance of homework and how it helps children to learn.
Homework is important in raising student achievement and is work that is set to be
done outside the timetabled curriculum. It encourages independent study that is not
directly supervised by a teacher.
Homework should enhance pupils’ learning, improve their achievement and develop
their study skills.
The Purpose of Homework
The purpose of homework is to:
 Help the student to revisit and reflect on work that has taken place in the
classroom, or to encourage further reflection by extending the school
 Enhance academic achievement by developing student skills such as selforganisation and self-discipline
 Supplement what is currently being covered in the class, and may involve
recollection of data covered in class, or creation of a piece of work based on
guidelines by the teacher
 Develop the home/school partnership
 High quality homework and a good work ethos will be praised in class
 Where appropriate, homework will be included in display work
 Merits and rewards for achievement and sustained effort may be awarded for
good homework
 For exceptional pieces of homework, a department letter or postcard may be
sent home
1. Class teacher
a. If there is not a reasonable attempt at homework, it will be recorded in
the homework tracker in the diary for parents/guardian to sign
b. Two incomplete homeworks in each class will result in departmental
No reasonable attempt at
3 Text home
6 Phone call home
9 Referral to Head of Year and
homework report issued
3. Year Head
a. Following referral, diaries will be monitored, identifying students with
homework problems across several departments
b. Parents may be invited in to discuss issues with regards to homework
c. Homework report issued
d. Facilitate compulsory attendance at homework club (Tuesdays and
Thursdays) until necessary improvements are made
Types of Homework
Homework can take a variety of forms, including:
 Writing tasks;
 Note-taking and writing up notes taken in lessons;
 Reading;
 Learning – for example: facts, vocabulary, spellings;
 Completing controlled assessment;
 Research;
 Drawing or design work;
 Preparing for discussions or presentations;
 On-line learning;
 Answering questions;
 Completing worksheets;
 Revising for tests and exams
The role of the pupil
 To listen to homework instructions in class
 To carefully copy down (or ensure that they have a copy of) instructions for
the task and deadline date into the homework diary
 To ensure that homework is completed and handed in on the deadline
 To attempt all work and give their best effort
 To inform the class teacher of any difficulties
The role of the Form Teacher
 To check that the homework tracker in diary is being signed by the
 To note and respond to any comments written in diaries by parents
 To discuss with student to see if there are any issues
The role of the Class Teacher
 To give full and comprehensive instructions
 To set deadlines for completed work and ensure that they are met
 To mark and return all homework
 To provide help and support
 To inform the Form Teacher when problems arise
 To reward homework if necessary
The role of the Parent
 To provide a quiet place to work
 To check the time spent on individual tasks
 To check the presentation and content of all homework being returned to
 To sign the homework diary each week
 To provide the school with information about any problems through the
homework diary or by contacting the school directly
 To check the homework tracker
 To support the school’s policy
In line with national expectations, on average a pupil should expect to
receive the following:
 Years 8 & 9: between 45 – 120 minutes of homework per day
 Year 10: between 60 – 120 minutes of homework per day
 Years 11 & 12: between 90 – 150 minutes of homework per day
 Pupils with SEN may have more individualised homework timetables
 Reasonable adjustments may be necessary for some SEN pupils
Homework Club
To support pupils with homeworks, the Homework Club in room 85 is available every
Tuesday and Thursday from 3.15pm to 3.45pm. Pupils have access to computers
and are encouraged to use them. Teachers will also be available to encourage and
guide pupils.
Pupils who have been sent to homework club must:
 Attend
 Complete missed homeworks