Blended Learning Policy

Blended Learning Introduction
Blended learning is broadly defined as:
An approach to education whereby schools will combine classroom-based
teaching and learning methods within school, with a range of remote learning in
order to deliver the Northern Ireland curriculum. (DE Circular no. 2020/06)
During the period of unexpected closure, staff at City of Armagh High School continued
to provide education and support to our pupils using remote learning. As we return in
the next term, we will continue to provide a programme of blended learning and to
enable this, we have put in place some guidelines.
In going forward, all learning and interaction between home and school will be
conducted primarily using Microsoft Teams, although to enhance learning a few other
school approved platforms may be used. This will allow staff to keep in contact, in a
professional and confidential manner, with each pupil in their class. Teachers will be
able to schedule learning in a way which does not overwhelm or concern our pupils.
Teaching and learning can be tailored, changed and updated as time progresses,
allowing for replication of classroom activity to the best of our ability. In all
communications we will adhere to our commitment to maintaining pupil wellbeing.
We realise that the circumstances that caused our school to close affected families in
a number of ways. In our planning and expectations, we are aware of the need for
flexibility from all sides: it is recognised that some pupils will be unable to attend school
at all and school will endeavour to provide as wide a curriculum offer as possible;
parents may still be trying to work from home so access to technology as a family may
be limited; teachers may be trying to manage their home situation; systems may not
always function as they should. An understanding of and willingness to adapt to these
difficulties on all sides is essential for success.
In the case of long-term blended learning, we believe that it is in the best interests of
our pupils that we continue to provide structured support to the best of our ability.
Bearing in mind the need for flexibility, we understand that work may be completed out
of sync with when it is shared however it may be necessary to set some deadlines.
That said, the work that pupils engage in remotely will be part of our current planning
and therefore should not be considered as ‘optional’.
Pupils and parents should consider the arrangements as set out in this document as
highly recommended. School will be monitoring and following normal policy regarding
pupil participation. Online teaching is an extension of the classroom. All principles
outlined in the Acceptable Use Policy will apply to all online teaching activity.
Teaching staff will…
 Share teaching and activities with their class regularly, primarily via MS Teams,
and offer guidance as to the amount of time to be dedicated to each subject
 Provide hard copies of resources only in specific agreed circumstances. The
return of work will be agreed with subject teachers
 Continue teaching in line with current, extensive planning that is already in
place throughout the school
 Provide suitable resources to enable pupils to access the curriculum
 Give credence to the fact that learning remotely will be more difficult, so tasks
may be adapted and supported in smaller steps to allow for this
 Differentiate work accordingly
 Keep in contact with pupils through C2K supported platforms only
 Reply to messages and give feedback on activities from Monday to Friday only
 Adhere to safeguarding guidelines throughout
 Carry out formative assessment of pupil learning
 Set homework primarily using MS teams
Pupils will…
 Know their C2K login details and how to access this from outside school
 Complete and return, via the C2K network, all work set by their teacher both at
school and at home
 Adhere to the school’s Safeguarding Policy regarding online etiquette
 Not screenshot or copy any information, messages or posts to share on social
media or any other platform
 Only access the material shared by their teacher and will ask for parental
permission to use technology for anything beyond that
 Read daily, either independently or with an adult
 Ask the teacher/classroom assistant immediately, when unsure, about any
element of their learning
 Be assured that wellbeing is at the forefront of our thoughts and take regular
breaks, get fresh air, exercise and maintain a reasonable balance between
online engagement and offline activities.
Parents will ….
 Support their child’s learning to the best of their ability and ensure that the
appropriate time is dedicated to each subject area with reference to their child’s
‘in-school’ timetable
 Create a space and schedule, if possible, to allow their children to continue their
 Encourage their child to access and engage with their teacher both remotely
and in class
 Inform the school immediately when access to online learning is problematic
 Inform the school immediately if permission for their child to participate in ‘live’
online lessons is not given
 Not screenshot or copy any information, messages or posts to share on social
media or any other platform
 Know that they can continue to contact their class teacher as normal through
C2K supported platforms or by phoning the school
 Ensure that they provide their child with the necessary equipment to complete
tasks at home (e.g. pens, colouring pencils, calculator etc)
 Check their child’s completed work each day and encourage the progress that
is being made
 Be mindful of the evolving situation and therefore the mental wellbeing of
themselves, their child and of teachers.
30th June 2020