Intimate Care Policy
Intimate care is any assistance that involves touching a child while carrying
out a procedure that most children are able to do for themselves but some are
unable to manage without help. This may involve help with eating, drinking,
dressing, and matters of personal hygiene such as washing and toileting. In
some instances more specialised intimate assistance may be needed for
children with physical or medical difficulties.
This policy aims to:
▪ safeguard the dignity, rights and well‐being of children;
▪ provide guidance, support and protection to staff;
▪ reassure parents that their children are cared for and protected.
City of Armagh High School is committed to ensuring that all staff undertake
their responsibilities in such a way that the rights, dignity and welfare of the
children is protected.
City of Armagh High School is committed to ensuring that staff undertaking
these responsibilities are supported by policy, training and monitoring.
All school staff receive child protection training and undertake to help
children do as much as possible for themselves and develop each child’s ability
to achieve independence. Staff receive appropriate specialised training and are
provided with facilities and equipment to ensure safety, privacy and dignity.
An intimate care plan is drawn up for each child requiring such assistance,
and is carefully planned and agreed in consultation with parents and child
(see appendix 1, 2 & 3)
Provision is monitored and regularly reviewed to ensure that policy and
procedure is adhered to, and that children and staff remain comfortable with
the school’s arrangements.
Supporting girls during their menstrual cycle
Girls have access to free sanitary products in school. These are available from
Mrs Reid when needed.
Appendix 1
School: ___________________________
Permission for intimate care
I/We give permission for the assistance detailed overleaf to be provided to
my/our child and will advise the school of any change that affect this
I, the child, give permission for the assistance detailed overleaf to be provided
for me.
Appendix 2
Intimate Care Plan
Pupil: DoB:
Persons assisting:
Alternative arrangements:
Designation Signed: Date: