
Staff in the department
Dr T. Hutchinson
Mr S. O'Neill
What will you learn in Years 8-10?
The learning outcomes of the department require the demonstration of skills and application of knowledge and understanding of pupils to:
- demonstrate practical skills in the safe use of a range of tools, machines and equipment;
- research and manage information effectively to investigate design issues, using Mathematics and ICT where appropriate;
- show deeper understanding by thinking critically and flexibly, solving problems and making informed decisions, using Mathematics and ICT where appropriate;
- demonstrate creativity and initiative when developing ideas and following them through;
- work effectively with others;
- demonstrate self-management by working systematically, persisting with tasks, evaluating and improving own performance;
- communicate effectively in oral, visual (including graphic), written, mathematical and ICT formats showing clear awareness of audience and purpose.
Areas of knowledge covered are Materials and Processes, Computer Aided Design, Electronics, Pneumatics, Designing, Mechanisms and Robotic Coding. All of these subjects are taught within a framework of future careers available to our young people.
What will you learn in Years 11&12?
Unit 1:
Technology and Design Core Content - External written examination - 1 hour 30 minutes.
Students answer 10 questions from a core area of study (Materials and Processes, Computer Aided Design, Electronics, Pneumatics, Designing and Mechanisms). This makes up 25% of the GCSE grade
Unit 2:
Product Design – External written examination - 1 hour 30 minutes.
Students answer questions and this makes up 25% of the GCSE grade.
Unit 3:
Design and Manufacturing Project - Controlled assessment
Students complete a design project comprising a design portfolio and an associated manufacturing task.
Teachers mark the design project, and CEA will visit our school in May to carry out moderation. This makes up 50% of the GCSE grade
What equipment will you need?
As well as the standard pieces of equipment (Pencil, Pen, Erasure and Ruler), pupils are expected to have coloured pencils and a calculator.
What do we expect from your homework?
Homeworks are given most weeks during theory lessons and vary in type e.g. sketching, ICT work and traditional academic rote-learning. When a homework/classwork does not meet the expectations of the teacher, the pupil will be asked to create a new homework that better reflects their ability.
Any other information
The Technology Department runs the LEGO coding class every Thursday from October to March every year.