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Whisper Report

Religious Education

Staff in the department

Mr Graham Veale

What will you learn in Years 8-10?

In Year 8 you will study the Bible Story, the life of CS Lewis, The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe, Jesus' Death and Resurrection and Islam

In Year 9 you will study the miracles of Jesus, the parables of Jesus, Martin Luther and Buddhism

In Year 10 you will look at debates over capital punishment, life after death, the existence of God, animal rights and the relationship between science and the Bible.


What will you learn in Years 11&12?

In Year 11 students study Christian Ethics and in Year 12 Philosophy of Religion.

You can get an overview of the topics we study - and GCSE revision videos - by following this link


What equipment will you need?

Pen, pencil, books, paper, a voice and a willingness to form your own opinion.




13th Mar 2020
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