Occupational Studies

Staff in the department
Miss Abraham
Mrs McBride
Mrs Monaghan
Mrs Bell
Mrs Maybury
Mrs Johnson
Mrs Dillon
What will you learn in Years 11&12?
Occupational Studies classes are taught at the Southern Regional College.
Over the 2 years, you will study 4 subjects from 2 of the pathways listed below.
What equipment will you need?
PPE clothing is needed for many subjects.
For Construction and Engineering, a boiler suit and steel toe capped boots are required.
For Catering and Hairdressing and Beauty, black shoes, black trousers and a plain white top is required.
What do we expect from your homework?
You may be asked to revise for tests or complete an evaluation of your work in preparation for the following week.
Any other information
Each subject is marked out of 100.