Access Keys:

Whisper Report



Staff in the department

Miss K Shanks (Head of department)

Mrs K Mulholland

Mrs A Currie

Mr C Sloane


What will you learn in Years 8-10?

Pupils follow the Northern Ireland Curriculum at Key Stage 3 giving them the opportunity to develop their knowledge and understanding of:

- Number


-Shape, space and measures

-Handling data

-Financial Capability

-Application of math skills to real life and work situations.


What will you learn in Years 11&12?

Pupils follow the CCEA GCSE Mathematics course or the Pearson Essential Skills course depending on the ability of the pupil.

For the CCEA GCSE specification click here.

For the Pearson Essential Skills specification click here.


There are support GCSE revision classes available after school on Tuesdays. Click here for timetable.


What equipment will you need?

Pupils should bring the following equipment to class:

-Pens (Blue/black ink, red and purple ink)


-Rubber and sharpener




-Scientific calculator

-A4 purple notebook (provided)


Pupils are given the opportunity to purchase equipment packs at the start of the year.


Careers in mathematics



-Book keeping



-Sales and/or marketing

-Retail/retail management



Useful Websites



13th Mar 2020
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