Access Keys:

Whisper Report

Learning Support Centre


In the AS/LSC, the general aims of City of Armagh H.S. will be promoted:

  1. To help pupils develop their activities, interest and attitudes in a happy, purposeful and caring environment.

This aim will be achieved by:

Creating an attractive classroom environment.

Placing value on pupil’s contributions.

Providing materials which are purposeful, appropriate, interesting and challenging.

Fostering the talents and interests of our pupils through curricular and extra-curricular activities.


2.To encourage the whole development of the individual pupil, so that he or she may contribute as fully as possible to both the life of the school and the life of the community.

This aim will be achieved by:

Encouraging pupils:

To work diligently.

To obey school rules and teacher instructions.

To respect other people.

To take pride in their school and community.

Also by:

Providing opportunities to develop qualities such as self-confidence, self-discipline and a sense of responsibility.

Making pupils aware of the many aspects of their local environment and society.

Providing an informal and formal Pastoral care structure.


3.To promote the acquisition of knowledge, skills, concepts and attitudes which will equip pupils both for work and leisure in adult life.

This aim will be achieved by:

Providing a structured and developing curriculum with a strong literacy and numeric content.

Promoting the general objectives and concepts of the Cross Curricular Themes.


  1. To establish and maintain close links with the contributory primary schools, the home and the community.

This aim will be achieved by:

Inviting P.6&7 pupils from contributing Primary school units to visit the LSC with their teacher in June.

Inviting parents of prospective pupils to an informal meeting with the Head of the AS/LSC

Establishing formal and informal links with the Educational Psychologist who has an input in placing pupils with statements of special educational needs.


5.To prepare pupils for the transition from school to further education and the world of work.

This aim will be achieved by:

Providing a structured careers programme in years 11,12 and 13.

Drawing up a Transition Plan.

Setting up interviews with the Special Educational Career’s Officer.


6.To encourage understanding and tolerance of others.

This aim will be achieved by:

Creating an atmosphere of caring and discipline which the ideas of tolerance, consideration and respect for others.

Promoting clear and high standards of morality, etiquette and learning.

Through the learning experience organised within the AS/LSC, we hope to achieve many objectives:

  • To ensure that the pupils are equipped with the skills that will enable them to take their place and play a part in the local community.
  • To provide the pupils with a secure learning environment.
  • To provide every pupil with the opportunity to experience success in learning and to acquire a sense of worth.
  • The growth of self-awareness, helping the pupil to know him/herself, realising his/her limitations and matching his/her aspirations to abilities.
  • To provide an opportunity for pupils to learn how to cope with failure.
  • To promote positive attitudes, self- confidence, self-discipline, resourcefulness, enthusiasm and independence.
  • To provide specialised help in basic skills.
  • To reward effort and achievement.
  • To encourage behaviour that is acceptable both in school and in the community.
  • To give pupils opportunities to develop their social skills in ‘real life’ situations.
  • To promote better pupil/teacher relationships.



What will you learn in Years 8-10?

Pupils are continually assessed (both informally and formally) on their ability in all subjects across the curriculum and given individualised work to consolidate and stretch their learning.

Maths: pupils follow an individualised programme according to their level of ability. (see Mathematics Policy)

English: pupils follow an individualised programme according to their level of ability. (see English Policy)

Pupils have the opportunity to access the full NI curriculum tailored to their needs and abilities. For example, Home Economics, PE, Art, Technology & Design, Geography,

History, ICT, RE, Drama etc.


What will you study at Key Stage 4 level?

Essential Skills English

Essential Skills Maths

Entry Level Science/ GCSE Single Award Science

Prince’s Trust

Occupational Studies (link day with SRC)

Work Experience



What equipment will you need?

Pupils should bring the following equipment to class:

  • Pens (Blue/black ink, red and purple ink)
  • Pencils
  • Rubber and sharpener
  • Ruler
  • Specialised uniform for Occupational Studies


What do we expect from your homework? 

11&12 AS/LSC alternate between English and Maths homework each week. Booklets are provided by teachers at the beginning of the week and are returned on Friday. Homework is designed to progress pupil’s ability in each subject throughout the year.



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