Welcome to the I.C.T Department
The philosophy of the ICT Department is to provide a learning environment suitable to each pupil's academic ability whilst using a range of teaching strategies relevant to the curriculum. The ICT Department offers courses of study leading to external qualifications in ICT. BTEC ICT is currently offered to both the vocational and academic bands.
Staff in the department
Mrs L. Haire
The Aims of the ICT Department are:
- To offer facilities for learning about ICT
- To support and encourage good practice in the use of ICT resources
- To promote individual pupil development in ICT
- To stimulate and foster an interest in and enjoyment in using ICT
The objectives are that:
- Pupils have opportunities to develop their ICT skills and knowledge
- Pupils have the opportunity to acquire qualifications in ICT
- Pupils have access to a wide range of ICT resources
- Pupils acquire the skills to use the resources productively
- Pupils have opportunities to apply their skills in other subjects
What will you learn in Years 8-10?
The aim of ‘Using ICT @ KS3’ is to provide pupils with opportunities to acquire and develop knowledge, skills and understanding of ‘Using ICT’. Pupils will be provided with opportunities to build upon their current ICT skills and the level which was obtained in primary school.
Through the use of a variety of software applications and computer based tasks pupils will create a variety of communication documents and projects which enable them to use ICT as a cross curricular skill across the majority of their subjects. Pupils will have one hour ICT per week throughout Year 8-10.
Year 8 | Year 9 | Year 10 |
Logging on and creating folders |
Using Microsoft Excel | Using Microsoft Access |
Sending emails using attachments |
Using simple and advanced formula | Designing a Game |
Personal Computer Safety |
Creating charts using data | Creating a Game using Game Maker |
Planning and creating Movies & PowerPoint |
Careers PowerPoint | Evaluating a Game |
Microsoft Word and Publisher |
Introduction to Photoshop | Website Design |
BTEC - What will you learn in Years 11&12?
Competence in ICT is rapidly becoming a ‘life skill’ that ranks alongside basic literacy and numeracy. This BTEC aims to encourage students to become independent users of ICT. It also hopes to assist them in acquiring and applying creative and technical skills, knowledge and understanding of ICT.
This course of study will build a knowledge, understanding and skills, which could form a basis for further academic or vocational study and also for future employment.
In Year 11 & 12 pupils have 5 x 30 minute periods per week in the computer suite. At present we offer BTEC Level 2 Award in Information and Creative Technology. This course comprises of 120 guided learning hours and allows our pupils to complete only one exam worth 25% which we currently take in January of Year 11. This enables us to have time to complete a re-sit if necessary. The remaining 75% of the course is made up of portfolio work completed between home and school.
Unit Name & Number | What is involved? | Exam or Portfolio % |
Unit 1: The Online World | This is a theory unit. In this unit we study online services and online communications. We also investigate components of the internet and how digital devices exchange and store information. Finally, we investigate the issues with operating online. | 1 hour external examination which is taken on the computer, comprising of multiple choice and essay type questions. This exam is worth 25% of the overall course. |
Unit 13: Website Development |
This is an internal portfolio based unit worth 50% of the overall course. |
Unit 3: Digital Portfolio |
This is an internal portfolio based unit worth 25% of the overall course. |
This subject is useful for any type of job which involves the use of a computer because the student is given maximum opportunity for hands-on practice in all the major computer programs. It is also equally as valuable for students wishing to continue onto further education or vocational training.
Some examples of future progression include:
- Secretary
- Receptionist
- Personal Assistant
- Call Centre Advisor
- Sales & Personnel
- Journalist
- IT Technician or a Web Designer
- Graphic Designer
- A-Levels and Degrees in ICT or related subjects
We also offer OCN Level 2 in Years 11&12?
Today’s work environment depends increasingly on a range of technologies. The OCN NI Level 2 Certificate in Information Technology Applications is designed to provide learners with the IT skills required to function successfully in the work and wider environment.
Assessment is carried out through the process of creating a portfolio of evidence subject to Internal and External Verification and is awarded a pass or a fail. A pass is equivalent to a GCSE grade B.
Pupils will study the units listed below:
- Social media
- Email Software
- Word Processing Software
- Presentation Software
- Using the internet
Career Pathways
IT skills are now required by almost everyone at work and to survive in society. This course will enhance students' skills in the units listed above. Student's will get hands on, practical learning in each of the core areas.
What equipment will you need?
It is advisable that pupils studying ICT (in year 11 & 12) have access to a computer or a laptop at home, due to the amount of coursework to be completed between home and school. C2K can provide Microsoft Office to download at home free of charge. Speak to Mrs Haire or the IT Technician for more information. Pupils will also need a USB memory pen or external hard drive to enable safe transportation of work between home and school.
What do we expect from your homework?
Deadlines in BTEC are extremely rigid. Teachers have to submit an assessment plan every September with all submission dates. Pupils are given every deadline in advance and are given the chance to re-draft work once. It is important that pupils develop organisation to ensure they meet set deadlines.