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Whisper Report



Staff in the department

  • Mr Veale (Subject Leader)
  • Mrs Reid
  • Mrs Gribben


What will you learn in Years 8-10?

In year 8 you will learn about the nature of history and the Norman conquest.

In year 9 you will learn about the transatlantic slave trade and Ireland from the plantation of Ulster to the potato famine

In year 10 you will learn about the First and Second World Wars, the Holocaust, the rise of Hitler, the partition of Ireland and the Vietnam War.


What will you learn in Years 11&12?

We follow CCEA's GCSE History curriculum. You can find out more about the topics we study, and find useful revision videos, by following this link:


What equipment will you need?

You will need pens, paper, coloured pencils, a ruler, and a lot of curiosity.


What do we expect from your homework?

You can expect one homework a week at Key Stage 3; often this can take the form of a research project. You can see some of these projects here:




13th Mar 2020
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