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Whisper Report



Staff in the department.

Mrs K. Black

Mrs L. Gribben

Miss A. Hicks



What will you learn in Years 8-10?

In the City of Armagh High School, we use a language framework which identifies learning intentions for Years 8 to 10 to enable pupils to acquire a comprehensive range of language knowledge, understanding and skills. The main features are:

• a variety of fiction and non-fiction genres for each term;
• progression in grammar, punctuation, spelling and vocabulary;
• learning intentions based on knowledge and understanding;
• success criteria related to skills.

Topics for Year 8 include:

  • introduction to poetry;
  • introduction to media;
  • Millions;
  • Boy;
  • explanation texts;
  • myths and legends;
  • horror writing;
  • Room 13.

Topics for Year 9 include:

  • Holes;
  • Cirque du Freak;
  • media, moving image and film reviews;
  • Our Day Out;
  • instructions;
  • narrative poetry;
  • character and characterisation;
  • discursive writing.

Topics for Year 10 include:

  • The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas;
  • writing and analysing non-fiction;
  • creative writing;
  • studying spoken language;
  • Macbeth;
  • writers' craft; 


What will you learn in Years 11&12?

The GCSE English Language specification has four units: two externally assessed units and two internally assessed units.

Examination Units 1&4

There are two examination papers, each 1 hour 45 minutes long. Each examination paper is worth 30% of the overall GCSE qualification. Units are untiered.

Unit 1: Writing for Purpose and Audience and Reading to Access Non-fiction and Media Texts.

You will engage with reading and writing tasks based on texts.

Unit 4:Personal or Creative writing and Reading Literary and Non-Fiction Texts.

You will engage with writing and reading tasks based on non-fiction texts.

Controlled Assessment Units 2&3

Speaking and Listening- Teachers assess the tasks and CCEA moderate the outcomes. This is worth 20% of the final grade.This unit is assessed in three controlled assessment tasks. You will complete an individual presentation and interaction, a discussion and a role play.  

Studying Spoken and Written Language-Teachers assess the two tasks and CCEA moderate the outcomes. This is worth 20% of the final grade. You will study the impact of spoken language and demonstrate knowledge of characters, themes and genres in literary texts.

What equipment will you need?

  • Dictionary (for home use);
  • thesaurus (for home use);
  • computer;
  • pens, pencils, ruler (initially provided by school)
  • lever arch file (KS4).

What do we expect from your homework?

Homework is intended to consolidate your classroom learning and to inform your parents and carers about what you are learning. Homework set before a lesson can help your understanding later in class.
You will be given homework on a regular basis. Some homework may stretch over a few days. This is intended to provide flexibility and enable you time to successfully complete your homework as well as other individual and family commitments.

Homework will be revision and consolidation of work taught in class. Some homework may also include research work for English projects/tasks.

Challenging homework will be given to students who need and enjoy a challenge.

Talking and listening plays a huge role in English. It is expected that you will prepare as much as possible for this at home as part of your homework.

If you are unable to complete all or part of your homework, you should seek teacher advice. If you are still unable to complete your homework, parents/carers are requested to send an email to your teacher on the appropriate day. The teacher will understand from your parent’s/carer’s email that you have made an attempt to complete the homework. An explanation from your parent/carer would be appreciated.

If you have no formal set homework, you should complete some reading and/or spelling practice and/or project work.


Please see the school’s ‘Presentation of Work Policy’ in your homework diary.

If you are absent and miss a homework or you are unable to hand it in, it is your responsibility to check MS Teams; speak to the teacher and make arrangements for its completion.

The time taken to complete homework tasks will vary from child to child. Some tasks may be intended to be completed quickly whereas other tasks will require more time and/or research. It is anticipated that as you progress through school, homework will take longer.

You have a homework diary where you can note down your homework and take a picture if required. Homework instructions will be explained clearly and you will have plenty of time to ask questions. Homework will be posted on MS Teams.

Those who complete homework to a high standard will be rewarded with merit stamps and have their efforts recognised on SIMs.



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