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Whisper Report

Child Development

Staff in the department

Miss E. Girvan

What will you learn in Years 11&12?

At GCSE the CCEA course is followed. GCSE Child Development enables students to focus on the
development of young children from conception to the age of five years. It encourages knowledge
and understanding of pregnancy, the needs of young children, the roles and responsibilities of
parents and the social and environmental influences affecting family life. The subject aims to
encourage students to think critically, make informed choices and manage resources enabling them
to lead effective lives as individuals and family members as well as members of the wider


The GCSE Child Development course comprises of two components.
Year 11 (Component 1) Parenthood, Pregnancy and the Newborn baby
Year 12 (Component 2) The Development of a child (0-5 Years)


Year 11 (Component 1) Parenthood, Pregnancy and the Newborn baby

Topics studied include:

  • The family and parental responsibilities
  • Reproduction
  • Pregnancy
  • Healthy diet and lifestyle in pregnancy
  • Birth
  • The newborn baby
  • Feeding the newborn baby

Year 12 (Component 2) The Development of a child (0-5 Years)
Topics studied include:

  • Dietary needs of a child (0-5years)
  • Safety, first aid and childhood diseases
  • Childcare provision and sources of support available
  • PIES development up to five years’ old
  • Communication development in children
  • Discipline
  • Choosing clothes and shoes for young children

Assessment type:

External Assessment (weighing 60%)
Two written exam papers (weighing 30% each). Each exam paper will be of 2 hours’ duration,
consisting of multiple choice, short, structured and extended questions
Internal Assessment (weighing 40%)
One controlled assessment task to include:

  • Part A: Analysis and Justification;
  • Part B: Secondary Research and Analysis of Own Viewpoint;
  • Part C: Conclusions and Evaluation of Parts A and B;
  • Part D: Planning and Outcome
  • Part E: Evaluation of Planning and Outcome.

What equipment will you need?

Pens, pencils, highlighters and a ruler are required for theory lessons, as well as your Child
Development folder.

What do we expect from your homework?

Homework is given on a regular basis and is used to reinforce classwork or to revise
work. We expect every student to work to the best of their ability at any set homework task
and revise thoroughly for end of unit tests.



13th Mar 2020
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