Access Keys:

Whisper Report


Staff in the department

Mrs C. Reid


What will you learn in Years 8-10?

Education for Employability incorporates four key elements: work in the local and global economy, career management, enterprise and entrepreneurship, skills and qualities for work

Work in the Local and Global Economy – in order to make informed career and other choices, young people need to be aware of the changes that are taking place in the local economy. These changes are due, in part, to technology and the impact of the global market.

Career Management –It is important that pupils develop the ability to apply the PROCESS of career planning. This ability will help them make informed educational, training and employment choices both at school and throughout their lives.

Enterprise and entrepreneurship – Everyone can and should be “enterprising”. Enterprise is not just about business studies or owning your own business.

Skills and qualities for work – Pupils will develop a better understanding of what skills and qualities have the opportunity to practise these skills and relate them to the world of work.


What will you learn in Years 11&12?

A full programme of CEIAG has been developed in school putting the needs and interests of the pupils at the forefront. Provision has been developed to meet the requirements of the Northern Ireland Curriculum. Pupils will be prepared for the choices, changes and transitions affecting their future education, training and life as an adult.

The DEL Careers Officer plays a significant role, conducting individual interviews and providing guidance on future career plans.

Pupils benefit from relevant careers talks from a range of employers and training/further education providers.

All year 12 pupils are involved in work placement which lasts one week in the autumn term. Placements reflect the expressed interest and aptitudes of the individual pupil. They also have the opportunity to participate in a mock interview; this is made as realistic as possible through involvement of a range of employers.



The CEIAG department has a programme of events throughout the year;

  • Young Enterprise workshops for all year groups
  • Sentinus workshops
  • Year 12 POST 16 careers talks


What equipment will you need?

Pen, pencil and ruler.

What do we expect from your homework?

Homework may include a written piece of work or some research. Always do your homework to the best possible standard.

Any other information

The CEIAG department has a programme of events throughout the year;

  • Young Enterprise workshops for all year groups
  • Year 11 visit to Skills NI exhibition
  • Year 9 Sentinus Robotics workshop
  • Year 12 POST 16 careers talks



GCSE Careers Service



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Watch the following YouTube videos below to find out how to access MS Teams from...
20th Feb 2019
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